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  • Diharapkan pada penulisan tugas untuk selalu menggunakan fitur "Read More" di awali dengan Nama dan NIM kalian.

Nama: Aditya yuda pambudi , 1221472687

1. A. To describe the San Andreas Fault
2. B. A crack in the Earth’s crush between two plates
3. C. Begins Baca selengkapnya…

Nama: Aditya Yuda Pambudi, 1221472687

1. D. Unstatisfactory

2. C. He felt that British books were not appropriate for American Childern

3. D. The American Spelling Book

4. A. Large Baca selengkapnya…

NAMA: Aditya yuda pambudi, 1221472687

1. A. The evolution of the horse
2. A. they suggest how the climate may have been
3. D. Influenced
4. A. Horses appeared long before human being according to the theoristof geologists
5. A. The hipparions migrated to Europe to feed in developing grasslands.
6. C. Larger than the anchiteres
7. A. Anchiteres
8. D. Tame
9. B. Pleistocene Period was prior to the Miocene

1. C). A formula for the production of fertilizer
2. D). Required
3. D). Potash
4. B). 5 percent
5. B). Specify
6. C). Liquids are increasing in popularity
7. A). Powder
8. C). Easy to use

Tugas 5 “horse” Imam Prayogi 1214372965

1. A. The evolution of horse

2. D. They maintain a record of life prior to the Miocene Age

3. D. Influenced Baca selengkapnya…

Quiz 7 “San Andreas” 1221472459

1. A. To describe the San Andreas Fault
2. B. A crack in the Earth’s crush between two plates
3. C. Begins Baca selengkapnya…

Quiz 6 “Webster’s” 1221472459

1. D. Unstatisfactory

2. C. He felt that British books were not appropriate for American Childern

3. D. The American Spelling Book

4. A. Large Baca selengkapnya…

Quiz 5 “Horse” 1221472459

1. A. The evolution of horse

2. D. They maintain a record of life prior to the Miocene Age

3. D. Influenced Baca selengkapnya…

Imam prayogi NIM : 1214372965 Tugas 6 “webster’s”

1. A.  unavailable

2. C.  he felt that british books were not appropriate for American children

3. D. the american spelling books

4. A. large Baca selengkapnya…

Nama : Dian Budi Kusuma, NIM : 1221471879

1. A. To describe the San Andreas fault Baca selengkapnya…

Nama : Dian Budi Kusuma, NIM : 1221471879

1. B. Expensive Baca selengkapnya…

Tugas 7 “San Andreas Fault” Wahyudi NIM : 1214372985

1. A. To describe the San Andreas fault
2. B. A crack in the earth’s crush between two plates
3. C. Begins
4. C. North
5. D. Fault
6. B. Predictable
7. A. Small and insignificant
8. A. A serious earthquake
9. C. Wide

Tugas 6 “Webster’s” Wahyudi NIM : 1214372985

1. B. Expensive
2. C. He felt that British books were not appropriate for American children.
3. D. The American spelling book
4. D. Unexpected
5. C. 1828
6. D. Dictionary
7. D. Exact
8. C. Color
9. B. Webster dictionary

Tugas 5 “Horse” Wahyudi NIM : 1214372985

1. A. The evolution of the horse
2. A. they suggest how the climate may have been
3. D. Influenced
4. A. Horses appeared long before human being according to the theoristof geologists
5. A. The hipparions migrated to Europe to feed in developing grasslands.
6. C. Larger than the anchiteres
7. A. Anchiteres
8. D. Tame
9. B. Pleistocene Period was prior to the Miocene

Deby Eko.C. Nim: 1221472876

1. A. The evolution of the horse
2. A. they suggest how the climate may have been Baca selengkapnya…

Deby Eko. NIM: 1221472876

Isi Pembukaan UUD 1945 Republik Indonesia

Pembukaan UUD 1945

“Bahwa sesungguhnya kemerdekaan itu ialah hak segala bangsa dan oleh sebab itu, maka penjajahan diatas dunia harus dihapuskan karena tidak sesuai dengan perikemanusiaan dan perikeadilan.” Baca selengkapnya…


Herbert yeremias rumawatine , 1221471435

1. A. The evolution of the horse
2. A. they suggest how the climate may have been
3. D. Influenced
4. A. Horses appeared long before human being according to the theoristof geologists
5. A. The hipparions migrated to Europe to feed in developing grasslands.
6. C. Larger than the anchiteres
7. A. Anchiteres
8. D. Tame
9. B. Pleistocene Period was prior to the Miocene

Herbert yeremias rumawatine , 1221471435

1. A. To describe the San Andreas fault
2. B. a crack in the earth’s crush between two plates
3. C. Begins
4. C. North
5. D. Fault
6. B. predictable
7. A. Small and insignificant
8. A. A serious earthquake
9. C. Wide

Nama : ACKTO PRIYANDI , NIM : 1221470303

Tugas pertemuan 7. San andreas fault

1. A. To describe the San Andreas fault Baca selengkapnya…

Nama : ACKTO PRIYANDI , NIM : 1221470303

Tugas pertemuan 6. Webster dictionary

1. B. expensive Baca selengkapnya…

Nama : ACKTO PRIYANDI , NIM : 1221470303

Tugas pertemuan 5. horse

1. A. The evolution of the horse Baca selengkapnya…

Herbert yeremias rumawatine , 1221471435

1. B. expensive
2. C. He felt that British books were not appropriate for American children.
3. D. The American spelling book
4. D. Unexpected
5. C. 1828
6. D. Dictionary
7. D. Exact
8. C. Color
9. B. webster dictionary

Nama : M. Aditia Pratama Putra Nim : 1214373401

Tugas pertemuan 3. oceanography

1. C. Slow moving Baca selengkapnya…

Nama : M. Aditia Pratama Putra Nim : 1214373401

Tugas pertemuan 2. sunspot

B. To describe the nature of sunspots
B. open to debate Baca selengkapnya…

Nama : M. Aditia Pratama Putra Nim : 1214373401

English – meeting 1 quiz

1. C. the development of opera
2. D. At the beginning of sevententh century
3. A. Opera Baca selengkapnya…

Herbert yeremias rumawatine , 1221471435

1. C. Slow moving
2. A. The pressure affected their speech organs
3. A. Vehicles as well as divers Baca selengkapnya…

Nama : ACKTO PRIYANDI , NIM : 1221470303

Tugas pertemuan 3. oceanography

1. C. Slow moving Baca selengkapnya…

Nama : ACKTO PRIYANDI , NIM : 1221470303

Tugas pertemuan 2. sunspot

B. To describe the nature of sunspots
B. open to debate
D. changes in the Earth’s atmosphere Baca selengkapnya…

Nama : ACKTO PRIYANDI , NIM : 1221470303

English – meeting 1 quiz

1. C. the development of opera
2. D. At the beginning of sevententh century Baca selengkapnya…